My kitchen is my temple,
Cooking is my meditation,
Exploring the best ways of preparing nature’s produce my art,
And sharing my experience with you my dharma.

Blog owner sitting on kitchen island

Hello! I'm Geraldine

A Belgian Food-Life-Earth lover and currently based in Brussels 🙂

I wanted to become an astronaut…
I studied and worked in Astronomy and Human Space Flight for over 15 years!

But with time, my attention shifted…
End 2019, i decided to do a reset.
I re-evaluated my wishes by letting my genuine curiosity and never-ending interest lead the way.

This naturally led me to anything food-related while caring for our 2 first homes: 

our body and our beautiful planet

I am passionate about sustainable nutrition and cuisine and love sharing my knowledge or experience, be it through culinary workshops, giving talks on nutrition or by creating original culinary events.

I can spend hours learning about nutrition and experimenting in my kitchen with local seasonal produce and different cooking styles in order to create beautiful, delicious and real dishes that can be enjoyed by everyone and serve our bodies and environment the best.

Being as sustainable as possible with a zero-waste kitchen mindset and caring the best i can for our beautiful planet plays a big role in my way of cooking and will always be present in my recipes.

And as we eat with our eyes first, i will always add that pretty touch to what i serve.
I can easily lose myself in the styling of a dish and in taking mouthwatering pictures to share the goodness with you.

This is truly what gives me positive energy, what drives me day in-day out and what i can keep myself busy with without even realising where the time went and being excited to do it all over again the next day!

My Motto

‘Life is as good as you make it’

There is no 10000 ways of going on about it, the energy flows where you decide to put your attention.

Be in tune with your body, respect your personal and natural environment, and you’ll be a long way already 🙂

‘Love Life, Love Food, Hate Waste’

My Mission

To be here for you!

To help you gain the knowledge and creativity to take care of your body and environment while having fun at it.

By sharing with you the tools you can use to create a positive impact on your sources of wellbeing and happiness: a strong and healthy body and a clean environment, both physical and spiritual.

My Motivation

That smile on your face 🙂

and those twinkles in your eyes ✨

Life can be hard enough already.
I’m here to add that touch of sparkle in your everyday life.

Making life easier, more fun, more delicious, more enjoyable, more sustainable, why wouldn’t we?

Still here and still got some burning questions? or just curious to get to know me a little more?
Then check out the FAQ page, i answer some common questions i get over there 🙂

Are you looking for a recipe creator, stylist and/or photographer? Do you want to include more sustainability in your menu? Or organise a culinary workshop for you and your friends/family/colleagues?
Check out my services page to discover the different ways we could work together and feel free to write me with any inquiry.

If you are just here to learn about sustainable nutrition and get inspired by delicious recipes, then the recipe index is your place to be.

Looking forward to exchange with you, be it professionally or personally 🙂

Beautifully, deliciously, really yours,

Frequently Asked Questions
My Services
Seasonal Recipes

One cannot think well, love well, sleep well,
if one has not dined well

Virginia Woolf

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Copyright © 2023 Geraldine Mariën Media. All rights reserved. Copyright Photos © Birdy Photographie & Geraldine Mariën