Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve asked, and I’ve answered!

I decided i wanted to become an astronaut when i was a teenager.

Being good in maths and physics, and intrigued by the stars and the Universe,  i decided to study Astronomy to then follow up with aerospace engineering.
Space was my teenager’s dream and i did study and worked in that dream for over 15 years!

But with time, my attention naturally shifted… and with that my dreams 🙂

And even though i still think Space is a fascinating field, i realised that what sparked my inner interest the most is the culinary world and its impact on our health and our beautiful planet. I mean, it’s the subject i can just keep myself busy with for hours and hours without getting bored. And there’s still so much in that field i want to learn and do. It’s the one thing i cannot live without.

After that realisation, the switch from Space to Food seemed pretty straightforward to me 😉

Such a simple phrase, but that means so much:

  • A pretty setup in our plate makes us smile, opens our appetite and makes us want to eat our food more, it will taste better and we’ll enjoy our dish even more so.
  • The process of creating a beautiful layed out plate uses our creativity ressources and being creative calms us down, reducing stress and anxiety. Being creative can also give us a sense of accomplishment and proudness.
  • A plate full of colours doesn’t only look good, but it is also interesting on a nutritious level as it holds everything our body needs to stay healthy. Each colour indeed represents a different nutrient and has different nutritional values, each important to our health 
  • A beautifully prepared plate will even allow you to absorb your nutrients better as a body that is in a relaxed and happy state will be more ready and open to receive the food we feed it and absorb the important nutrients from that food.
  • Moments of contentment and happiness are important for our wellbeing! And meals around a beautiful set table with good food are perfect little moments that can easily be added to our everyday life  in order to take a moment of time off and recharge 🙂

With ‘’Eat Pretty Be Happy’, i want to help you create and put into place this kind of moments of simple happiness in order to recharge your sources of wellbeing <3 

I actually immediately encourage you to, next time you cook yourself a meal, take the time to give some attention to the way you dress your plate, to have fun with it, enjoy the moment, let your creativity flow and be proud of the beautiful piece of art you just created and then eat it mindfully <3

Sustainable nutrition and cuisine relates to preparing food in a way that is sustainable for our bodies and the planet.

For our bodies, this translates into a diet that will give us all we need in order to have optimum health and keep our energy levels high. 

On the planet level, it will look at using production systems (be it vegetal or animal) that don’t destroy the natural environment, but on the contrary, enhances the fertility of the grounds, and puts the wellbeing of the animals and workers on the front level of importance.

It puts systems in place that work now and will still work and be productive in the future.

All recipes i create have a source of inspiration.
Sometimes completely random such as nature, culture or a farfetched souvenir.
Sometimes more concrete like a dish i tasted in a restaurant or on a trip or several recipes i’ve looked up in books or on other foodblogs.
Sometimes it can even be that i actually share someone elses recipe, because it is just too good not to share.

Either way, i will always add my twist and my experience to the recipe to make it as sustainable as possible and if i have a concrete source of inspiration, i will never miss to mention it and give them credit for their awesomeness 🙂

I do. All photos of recipes on my blog are taken by myself.

If it would happen i use an image from another photographer, i will always ask the right to use the photo first and will always correctly credit the image.

Lifestyle photos can be from several photographers. Right to use the photos will always be asked and the correct credit will always be given.

I always found the question of my favourite dish to cook so difficult and never understood why. I thought i was boring not to have a favourite dish or one i’m an expert in…

But then, one day, i realised why. I don’t have a favourite dish to cook, because my favourite dish to cook is a new dish! Yes, that’s what my favourite thing to do in the kitchen is! Discover a new dish or a new way of doing things, go on a little exploration trip in my kitchen, do some experiments, try new things out 🙂

And that’s subsequently also where my expertise lies, finding new ways of doing things. Reshape something old into something new and find ways of wasting the least possible in the kitchen. I mean, give me some fridge leftovers and scraps to make up a new dish with and i’m a happy puppy 😛

For the moment i give cooking workshops in private for a group setup or as a teambuilding activity for your work team . You can contact me directly through the contact page would you be interested to organise a cooking workshop at your home or as a teambuilding activity.

Some public workshops will be setup later in the year.
But in the mean time, i do give a few workshops at La Cuisine the Flore. Check out her website to see when my next workshop is with her.

You can also find more information on my Workshops & Events page.

I am fluent in French, Dutch and English and will be happy to give a workshop or a talk in any of these 3 languages 🙂

The best way to keep up to date with my activities, workshops and events i organise and my latest recipes is via my monthly newsletter.
You can subscribe at the bottom of this page or through this link.

As soon as i will have more regular dates, these will also be stated on the Workshops & Events page.

No, you cannot freely use my photos. 

Would you like to use one of my photos, please contact me to obtain the right to do so and discuss the correct licensing to be put in place.

Yes you can.

Each recipe in the recipe index will have a recipe sheet that will be downloadable as a pdf.

Yes, i would be delighted to 🙂

Head on to my services page to check out all the possible ways we could work together and do not hesitate to contact me through my contact page with any project idea you have.

We all eat,
it would be a sad waste of opportunity to eat badly.

Anna Thomas

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Copyright © 2023 Geraldine Mariën Media. All rights reserved. Copyright Photos © Birdy Photographie & Geraldine Mariën