Legal Notice

Who we are

Eat Pretty Be Happy is a culinary blog offering insights and recipes related to sustainable nutrition and cuisine. We offer services in the culinary field of sustainable nutrition and cuisine ranging from recipe creation to cooking workshops, culinary events and consulting.

Site Editor

Commercial Name: Eat Pretty Be Happy
Social Denomination: JobYourself Coop SCES agréée
Geraldine Mariën is an entrepreneur candidate working by the means of the activity cooperation/incubator: JobYourself Coop. Geraldine Mariën operates under the commercial name of ‘Eat Pretty Be Happy’.
Head Office:   Rue d’Alost 7, 1000 BRUXELLES
VAT Number:  BE0479 233 349   
Contact Email: /
Phone number: +3222562074
Website: /
In charge of publications : Geraldine Mariën
The named person in charge of publications is a physical person or a moral person.
Webmaster:  Geraldine Mariën 


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Copyright © 2023 Geraldine Mariën Media. All rights reserved. Copyright Photos © Birdy Photographie & Geraldine Mariën